Princess Wenonah

West Wind


Group shot in from of the Bay City Hall

The tall ship Appledore IV, home ported in Bay City, is spending the winter tied up on the east side of the river in Wenonah Park, just downriver from the Veteran's Memorial Bridge.
Appledore IV

The Hiawatha is a walking beam, steam powered, side paddle wheel vessel who is spending her winter in the yard at Pier 7 Marina. She spends her summers on the Saginaw River docked at the Kingfish Restaurant and Tiki Bar.

The Tug Jill Marie, who is owned and operated by Causley Marine Contracting, is in the yard at the Bay Harbor Marina for the winter.
Tug Jill Marie

Finally, MCM Marine has their tugs Mohawk and Madison, along with the dredge, Arthur J, and some other assorted barges, also spending the winter at the Bay Harbor Marina. MCM has been working out in the Saginaw Bay near the confined disposal island. This is the second winter in a row for these vessels at Bay Harbor Marina.
Tug Mohawk

Tug Madison

Dredge Arthur J

Over the past two days, we have covered the Saginaw River from the mouth all the way up to the end of the navigable channel at the Sixth Street Turning Basin in Saginaw. I hope you have enjoyed the series. Keep watching this site for more updates leading up to the start of the 2009 shipping season. Thanks for looking!